BreyerHorses.com Shipping Update, February 2025
An important message regarding recent delays in order fulfillment.
Celebrate the holidays at Tractor Supply Company and see what’s new!
Every year, Breyer offers a selection of special run models at Tractor Supply Co. stores, and we’re excited to share this year’s offerings with you! Celebrate the holidays with these exclusive treasures that are perfect for gifting – or as additions to your own Breyer herd. These offerings are available alongside a great selection of regular line Breyer products at your local TSC! You can find your closest location via their Store Locator here.
Starting up this year’s lineup of exclusive Traditional models is Sayen, a beautiful bay Mustang mare. Known for their intelligence and hardiness, Mustangs are living symbols of the American West. She’s sure to win over your heart with her stunning coat and wholesome demeanor!
Cirrus is next in our Traditional lineup, and she’s quite the handful! This grey Quarter Horse mare is ready for any work, whether that be herding cattle, speeding through a barrel course, or showing off with a perfect reining spin. She’ll be a valuable asset in any stable!
Finally, we have Wilder, who is also full of energy. Wilder is an Arabian/Appaloosa cross, which gives him the speed and endurance that Arabians are prized for, combined with a flashy bay semi-leopard coat from his Appaloosa side! His versatility makes him perfect for any adventure.
In addition to our exclusive Traditional scale models, we have a few extra additions heading to TSC stores as well! The first is Dapple, a TSC exclusive Mane Beauty styling head. As her name implies, Dapple is a dapple grey horse with a luxurious mane full of different shades of grey.
Enchanted |
Celestial |
Windswept |
Finally, you’ll find a sneak peek at a 2022 release at Tractor Supply stores as well – our new Stablemates unicorn families! Choose from the Enchanted Family, the Celestial Family, and the Windswept Family. Each of these Mystery Unicorn Surprise sets includes a hidden foal behind the castle walls.
These exclusive models, along with many of your other favorite Breyer regular line and holiday products, are now available at your local Tractor Supply store. Use the Tractor Supply website for shipping and store pick-up options, including contactless and curbside.
An important message regarding recent delays in order fulfillment.
These horses and their friends have made memories that will last a lifetime!