BreyerHorses.com Shipping Update, February 2025
An important message regarding recent delays in order fulfillment.
Judging by Jackie Arns-Rossi
This month’s theme is Winter Wonderland! I am judging this show while we are getting our first real snow storm of the year, so I’m looking for scenes that make me want to love the cold and snow. This time of year can be fun and beautiful, and this is what I am hoping to see in your entries.
1st place:
Addie V., TX
There were a few versions of “a pony for Christmas” in this age group, but this was my favorite. I love that the girl is holding a model similar to her surprise horse.
2nd place:
Ava S., MI
I loved everything about this skijoring/sledding (sledjoring?) scene. The tack all fits nicely and everything tells the story well. I particularly liked that all the lines had the right tension on them to believably be pulling these sleds along.
3rd place:
Sophie M., IL
This mall Santa scene was very cute – I love the details here, from the photographer to the false beard on the horse playing Santa.
4th place:
Emma F., MN
This was my favorite night barn scene – this image really evokes a cold, clear night for me. The use of the lights is excellent.
5th place:
Abigail N., NY
I love the story told in this image, with the horse stealing the snowman’s carrot nose and making a break for it. That kid should just go get a new carrot!
6th place:
Morgan D., MD
These two drafters kissing under the mistletoe is very sweet – it seems just a tad oversaturated color-wise.
Honorable Mentions:
Ashely L., WV
Violet F., FL
1st place:
Briana M., TX
I love when people use lights to take creative images of their translucent models, and I was really struck by how lovely this image is. The white tree lights sparkle through this clearware model in a really striking way. This could be a holiday card very easily!
2nd place:
Mal J., NS, Canada
I loved the unusual angle of this huge unicorn. The only color really comes from the touches on the model itself – it’s subtle and gorgeous.
3rd place:
Renee G., VA
This entry really made me laugh. I loved the idea of “Stablemates on Ice” and the image manipulation is pretty good here – it could be a little cleaner.
4th place:
Rebecca G., MA
Barns decorated for the holidays are always wonderful. They seem warm, even when it’s very cold, and this picture showcases that with its rich colors. The kitty between this draft horse’s ears is perfect.
5th place:
Katie B., PA
I love how this image looks as though it was shot in grayscale when it's actually full color. I saw a lot of entries of models galloping in the snow, and this one stood out to me as it is well-focused and the soft lighting is perfect.
6th place:
Daphne H., UT
I loved how fun this image looks, and I like the practical effects used on the snowballs. I would love to see the dolls and horses look like they are interacting with each other. This is always one of the biggest challenges when using dolls – making them look like people and not dolls.
Honorable Mentions:
Jacklyn M., ON, Canada
Jerri B., WA
An important message regarding recent delays in order fulfillment.
These horses and their friends have made memories that will last a lifetime!