BreyerHorses.com Shipping Update, February 2025
An important message regarding recent delays in order fulfillment.
Happy New Year, Breyer fans!
If you love collecting model horses but are not sure what to do with your herd other than display them, then try your hand at model horse showing! Model horse showing is fun, easy to learn, and if you’ve never shown before, just grab your favorite Breyer models and bring them to BreyerWest in March. Our dedicated show manager and Youth & Novice show staff will show you the ropes!
Model horse showing is when collectors show their Breyer model horses in the same way a person might show a real, living horse. Models are entered in either “halter” or “performance” classes and experienced judges review and judge each entry based on specific criteria.
In “Halter” classes, an untacked, unaltered Breyer model horse is entered into a particular class based on the breed the competitor has assigned to their model. If an Arabian model horse is entered into an Arabian class, the judge will choose the winning horses based on conformation, characteristics, and colors typical for that breed. Competitors are welcome to show models in classes that are not necessarily obvious for the mold they are showing if they can provide documentation to support their entry.
In “Performance” classes, models are fully tacked, often with riders, and set up in a diorama-like scene, complete with props and natural elements. These scenes are viewed as if they are snapshots of a live horse event in action. Tack is generally hand-made and all tack must be accurate to the activity being highlighted – a competitor couldn’t use a western-style bridle in a dressage competition scene, for example.
The BreyerWest Youth and Novice show is geared towards younger showers, whether you’re brand new or have a few shows under your belt, and adults that are brand new to showing their horses. All entrants will be provided with a helper the day of the show on Sunday, March 17, 2024 to guide them through the process of participating.
You can learn more about the Youth & Novice show here and while advance registrations are currently closed, we will have a handful of spots available on site for participants. You’ll also need a ticket to the Rocky Mountain Horse Expo, which will be available here, but there is no admission fee to enter the BreyerWest area.
We can’t wait to see you in Denver!
An important message regarding recent delays in order fulfillment.
These horses and their friends have made memories that will last a lifetime!
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