BreyerHorses.com Shipping Update, February 2025
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Ready for a day out in sun surrounded by horses? Aren’t we all!
The folks at Tempel Farms have the privilege of being at home with the largest privately-owned herd of Lipizzans in the world. BreyerFest Guests will get to spend time with Tempel Lipizzan Program Manager, Esther Buonanno, during a tour of their stunning facility with an in-depth look at their training process. Be up close and personal with these incredible animals at Virtual BreyerFest Celtic Fling!
Fans can bring home their very own Lipizzan too! Favory Ariella is available now on BreyerHorses.com
For more information on these incredible horses and their training program, tune into Virtual BreyerFest, July 10-12, 2020 and visit www.Tempelfarms.com .
An important message regarding recent delays in order fulfillment.
These horses and their friends have made memories that will last a lifetime!
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