The First Release of the 2024 Vintage Club!
Appaloosas were one of the most popular breeds of the 1970s, so actor Jim Brolin’s racing stallion Stud Spider was a logical follow up to the well-received Appaloosa Performance Horse from 1974.
First mentioned in the Spring 1977 issue of Just About Horses, the #3080 Stud Spider Gift Set was originally available only through the 1977 JC Penney Christmas Catalog. The set included a set of four red Velcro leg wraps and a booklet entitled “Let’s Go to the Races,” written by Jim Brolin.
His large, intricately masked blanket was unlike anything that collectors had seen before, so it is unsurprising that Chris Hess’ Stud Spider (Mold #66) quickly won over the fans.
One of the many portrait models that appeared during Breyer’s “Golden Age of Celebrity” in the 1970s, Stud Spider’s now-iconic blanket appaloosa pattern has shown up several times since his retirement in 1989.
We thought we’d honor it for his Vintage Club release with a freshly detailed blanket and a sun-kissed flaxen chestnut coat color! Say hello to Scorpion!