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Returning Guest Horses - featuring Paddyngton's Mark of Distinction with rider next to a blue background with bursts.
Returning Guest Horses - featuring Paddyngton's Mark of Distinction with rider

Returning Guest Horses

Returning Guest Horses - BreyerFest 2025

To help celebrate Cheers to 75 Years we are thrilled to have a robust group of past portrait horses who are excited to help make this BreyerFest the biggest party yet! While these horses’ models will not be available at BreyerFest they are all making the trip to the beautiful Kentucky Horse Park to meet fans. Make sure to bring their models with you to Kentucky if you want to grab a picture or autograph!

Paddyngton's Mark of Distinction  - Live horse with Holly Armstrong

Paddyngton's Mark of Distinction

Paddyngton’s Mark of Distinction and owner/trainer Holly Armstrong of Meadow Reflections Farm, Howell, Michigan are proud to continue the rich history of the old west. The show stopping duo have traveled the country to defend their champion titles in Open Parade Horse and Saddle Type Western Equipment Division World Champions! Paddyngton’s Mark of Distinction, or Marcus to his friends, is a 2007 Pinto Saddlebred Gelding (CH El Cortez x Hope's True Colors). Marcus’ impressive pedigree reveals that he is a grandson of Scripps Miramar Ranch’s famed Chubasco, who was honored as a Breyer model in 2006. You can certainly see the family resemblance! At a striking 17.0 hands, Marcus exemplifies true, correct American Saddlebred conformation.

Paddyngton's Mark of Distinction Breyer Model

Holly Armstrong specializes in quality Spotted American Saddlebreds and has won over 50 world and national titles in Parade divisions and on the Pinto show circuit. A true show horse, Marcus loves competing in Parade - the louder the crowd, the more animated he gets! Even at 18 years old Marcus is still racking up champions and wowing crowds! Holly Armstrong owns and shows in vintage Ted Flower Parade sets and spends countless hours designing her own parade outfits, flowers and ribbons for each performance. Marcus even sports a particularly unique illuminated set for evening parades and performances! This sparkling pair is super excited to be back at BreyerFest and see old fans and meet some new ones too!

Danash’s Northern Tempest  with owner Laura Reece

Danash’s Northern Tempest

Sometimes you just have to break from tradition, and in the hunter ring, Appaloosa-Friesian cross Danash’s Northern Tempest & owner Laura Reece have no problem doing just that. First drawn to her striking leopard Appaloosa markings, Laura purchased “Dani” as an unfinished 4-year-old. It’s unusual for an amateur to purchase an unfinished horse, but Dani’s easygoing demeanor and beautiful movement made their pairing a natural one.

Danash’s Northern Tempest Breyer Model on a white background

Dani and Laura have many championships under their name in the Rusty Stirrup. Many other talented riders have taken the reins and accumulated top placings with Dani in the USHJA 3' division, Green Hunter 3', Derby, equitation, and dressage. Laura shares, “Every time we school or compete, we both learn something new. I think that's the beauty of competing as an Adult Amateur - I’m here for the fun of it.” That refreshing perspective is part of this pair’s appeal, and from Dani’s Instagram following to the pair gracing the cover of Wellington the Magazine, it’s obvious that others see it too! Since being the 2021 BreyerFest Horse of A Different Color Celebration Horse Dani has fans from all over the world who follow her journey. Laura and Dani are excited to return to BreyerFest and see all their beloved fans again!

HD Harkness  pulling a Carriage with an umbrella and two riders

HD Harkness

Poster boy for the “Carriage Pleasure Driving” page of the American Morgan Horse Association’s website, HD Harkness is no stranger from the spotlight. The handsome bay Morgan gelding has made quite the name for himself being an ambassador for Carriage Pleasure Driving.

Hark embodies all the fabulous qualities of the Morgan breed that make them so popular for driving. Loyal, athletic, easy to train, and trustworthy all are apparent traits in Hark, even from a young age.

HD Harkness Breyer Model

Purchased as a two-year-old by Mary Chris Foxworthy, with a unanimous vote from friends and family, Hark started his driving journey. With his famous “look at me” attitude HD Harkness has picked up multiple wins from countless shows in Michigan, New York, Wisconsin, and Kentucky and has won the attention and admiration of spectators. With his stylish Phaeton carriage behind him, at 27 Hark is still showcasing how incredible the Morgan breed is as he still participates in local shows and attends many expos and events as a guest of honor. 2025 will be a special year for Hark and owner/driver Mary Chris as they celebrate their centennial drive together! Hark is gearing up to be back at BreyerFest and see his many adoring fans, and even sneak in a few peppermints!

A limited amount of HD Harkness models will be available for purchase at BreyerFest.

Buckeye, the leopard Appaloosa mule in an arena with rider


When you think of a mule, does an image of a stubborn pack animal come to mind? Well, Buckeye is here to show the world otherwise! A flashy 2008 leopard Appaloosa John mule owned by Jenny Majors, Buckeye has made quite the name for himself in the dressage arena.

In Buckeye’s early career he was trained and shown in the dressage ring by Sammi Majors. Now her mom, Jenny, has taken the reins over and her and Buckeye are dipping their hooves in many different disciplines including jumping! When it comes to training mules, Sammi and Jenny point out that not much differs except that mules don’t care for repetitive exercises, and they retain their training well.

Buckeye Breyer Model

While their appearance may differ from that of their typical horse, Jenny, Sammi, and Buckeye are happy to share the mule love and add some fantastic floppy ears to the show ring. Buckeye and Jenny are very excited to be a part of Breyer’s celebrations of Cheers to 75 Years and bring some more mule snuggles to fans!

Repeat the Beat (“Pete”), A Tennessee Walking Horse jumping an obstacle in a field

Repeat the Beat

Repeat the Beat (“Pete”) is not your ordinary Tennessee Walking Horse. No longer the high-stepping show horse he once was, today, he is the high-flying, triumphant, oddly-colored little horse that leaps into the heart of everyone he meets. And he is proof that there can be a different future for Tennessee Walking Horses.

When owner Lisa Murray discovered that Pete could jump, she was initially a bit baffled. But she had had enough of the Tennessee Walking Horse show circuit and wanted to give Pete a different life. She found several young women who were willing to give Pete a try and his new vocation was underway. It wasn’t long until Pete soon had his own team of highly skilled riders campaigning him in Jumpers, Three-Day Eventing, and Handy Hunter Field tests. After finding success at small local shows, the team decided to go full force. “The most important thing to me was that Pete fit in,” says Lisa. “Our goal was for Pete to be taken seriously and accepted for his abilities. For that, we began gaining respect from our competitors.”

Repeat the Beat Breyer model on a white background

Pete’s willingness and happy attitude stands out and he has a huge following as the little horse “who can.” When critics saw him jump with his fancy white knees perfectly tucked and his signature “tail flip” after each jump, they just fell in love. Clear round after clear round, Pete won over the skeptics. As one of his riders said, “Repeat the Beat is living proof that you should never judge a book by its cover. This horse is all heart and will give you 100% with every ride.” For owner Lisa Murray, Pete is everything she ever wanted in a horse and Pete proves the true scope of the versatile Tennessee Walking Horse. Pete no longer jumps and in his older age he is happy carrying around the younger members of Lisa’s family. Pete and Lisa are excited to come back to BreyerFest and see his fans!

Diabl DC - Lusitano horse with rider

Diablo DC

The Lusitano horse traces its roots to Portugal, where the breed was developed to work cattle. The complicated maneuvers required for cattle ranching necessitated a horse with agility, strength, finesse, bravery, and intelligence. It is no coincidence that many of these skills mirror those needed to perform classical dressage!

Diablo Dos Cavaleiros is a stunning 2007 gelding owned by Madison Waller of Waller Farms, and bred by top American Lusitano breeder Haras dos Cavaleiros. Trained entirely in the traditional Portuguese tradition by trainer Tiago Ernesto, “Diablo” has competed all the way up to the Grand Prix Level in addition to competing in Working Equitation.

Diablo DC Breyer Model

While his focus is now on Dressage he is still one of the highest achieving Lusitano working equitation horses in the country today! With Madison as his main rider the pair have grown in leaps and bounds in the arena! Most recently this dynamic duo was the Region 3 Great American/USDF Grand Prix JR/YR Champion. With his growing list of titles and sights set on more FEI Grand Prixs, Diablo is an excellent representative of his breed’s versatility and talent! Madison and Ashley of Waller Farms are excited to bring Diablo DC back to BreyerFest to reunite with fans!

Athenian Lady - Live horse wearing ribbons and tack

Athenian Lady

Meet Athenian Lady. Amanda Delgado first met the neglected and abused chestnut paint mare in 2015, standing in the middle of a desolate pasture, but even as rough and starved as she looked Amanda saw that the mare carried herself with a regal, strong, and graceful presence. Named aptly after the Greek goddess of wisdom and war, Athenian Lady has proven the naysayers wrong and has transformed from a feral and dangerous rescue horse to stunning World Champion.

Anthenian Lady - Breyer Model on white background

Athena and Amanda have found their niche in Western Dressage. After facing numerous obstacles during their training, they have gone on to win World Champion Titles in the 2019 Pinto World Championship Show and the 2020 WDAA World Championship Show. Furthering their resume, they earned the title in 2021 as 5x International Champion at the WDAA International Challenge and 4x World Champion at the WDAA World Championship Show. Athena continues her winning ways in the show ring and is continuing her journey up the levels in Western Dressage. The pair wrapped up their 2024 fairytale season with 2 National Horse of the Year Awards and 1 Reserve Award!

After many ups and downs, triumphs and defeats, Athena has, against all odds, proven she is a true champion. Despite everyone telling Amanda that Athena would never survive, then never be rideable, then never be a show horse, Athena has shown the world that anything is truly possible. A true underdog, she is living proof that we are not defined by one point in our lives, and that the opportunities in our future are limitless. Amanda and Athena are excited to see their many fans again!

Novelisto D - standing in front of a white barn with open doors

Novelisto D

Novelisto D otherwise known as Listo, is a 16.3 hand PRE Andalusian stallion registered with the ILAHA and ANCCE registry. Bred by Denham Ranch and owned by the Waller Family, Listo comes from old Military lines. His impressive show record speaks for itself with titles such as National "Horse of the Year", Dressage, Hunt Seat, and many more including "Best of Breed." Renowned Hollywood horse trainer, Cari Swanson put a lot of hard work and many hours into Listo's training for all of his acquired acting skills & stunts. In addition to the tricks, he had to learn how to take care of his riders and co-stars. He also underwent classical dressage training to skillfully accomplish difficult riding maneuvers with Cari Swanson.

Novelisto D Breyer model on a white background

The payoff was well worth it as the outcome was a feature part in Warner Bros. movie, "Winter's Tale". Listo stared in this romantic film set in New York City with Colin Farrell, Russell Crowe, Jessica Brown Findlay, Will Smith, and many more. Most recently Listo starred in the Paramount+ commercial with Tim McGraw. The love that Listo embodies and brings to the set is powerful, soulful, and his magnetism draws people even deeper, making him so endearing to everyone he meets.

Listo, now 26 and slowly stepping out of the movie set spotlight, enjoys being pampered like the star he is and lending his incredible genes to future stars! In 2020 he was honored with the tile of USEF Sire of the Year and many of his offspring are starting to gain big USEF titles of their own. Listo and the Waller Family are excited to return to BreyerFest after 11 years and share some movie magic with fans again!

Oliver with a mounted police officer riding with a flag


A mounted police officer’s horse needs to be athletic, trusting, and steadfast in all situations. Captain Lisa Rakes of the Kentucky Horse Park Mounted Police has found that and more in her equine partner, Oliver. A 16-year-old Shire cross, Oliver’s flashy black and white coat and large stature ensure that the duo stands out wherever they go. Oliver joined the KHP Mounted Police unit at age 5, and his friendly and curious nature has served him well. After going through training that included groundwork, schooling, and obstacle and sensory training, he joined Captain Rakes on duty.

Oliver Breyer Model on a white background

These partners lead parades, work prestigious events like the Kentucky Three Day Event and BreyerFest, and go on daily park patrols – Oliver’s favorite! Captain Rakes says it best when she talks about her equine partner: “He loves people, loves being the center of attention, and is a great ambassador to the Kentucky Horse Park.” Make sure to stop by and say hi to Oliver at the Mounted Police Barn during BreyerFest!

BreyerFest News