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2019 Special Run Breakdowns

2019 Special Run Breakdowns

Guests loved our surprise Silver Charm models at our 25th Birthday Bash in 2014, and still talk about them to this day. In typical BreyerFest fashion, we decided to put a little twist on the theme for our 30th anniversary as well! We could have simply hid 30 pearly models throughout our Special Runs, but we decided to get a bit more creative.

Hidden throughout our Special Run models were slight variations on the originals' colorways with pearly basecoats to tie into our "pearl anniversary." We gave our guests a little treasure hunt to celebrate 30 years of BreyerFest!


Let's start things off with Bucky! He might look a little bit unrealistic with his metallic blue spots, but we have a soft spot for our 30-piece Bucky variation! We still love his traditional spots as well.


Banner made another BreyerFest 2019 appearance in a breathtaking blue/green Glossy Tortuga coloring reminiscent of a special run from our 20th Birthday Bash in 2009 - Gala the Five Gaiter! This 30-piece run was a great accompaniment to the original black and red model.


Instead of Pepper’s sassy Chestnut Sabino coat, you might have received one of the 30 Grey Sabino models instead. The "Salt" to Pepper, if you will!


Rocket was painted as a Light Dapple Buckskin, but 30 lucky shoppers walked away with a slight twist on his original color – a Light Dapple Buckskin Pinto.


And last but not least, Natasha’s Special Run had 30 Flaxen Liver Chestnut Pintos hidden amongst the Bright Bay Pinto models.



This year’s 50/50 matte/glossy split was Quill, with half of the run produced in glossy finish and half of the run produced in matte finish. For our 30th birthday surprise, there were also 30 extra-special Amber Champagne Blanket Appaloosas hidden in his run throughout the weekend.




Diana had a total of three variations! Roxy’s loose and braided manes made an appearance in this run. 50% of the Diana models were produced with hunter braids, and 50% were produced with a flowing mane and tail. We also couldn’t forget our 30 special models for Diana! A few lucky fans walked away with a glossy Bay Splash Pinto models with a loose mane.

Stay tuned to find out the official breakdown for our Hero’s Welcome Surprise Special Run! In the mean time, which models did you get? Were you lucky enough to return home with a special surprise?

Previous article Cheers to 2025!


Becky - April 3, 2023

A Breyer dog?!!?

Emma - July 15, 2020

Will you pretty pretty PLEASE release the 2020 breakdowns earlier than you did the 2019 ones? I’m in quarantine and SO bored! 🥺

APRIL Marie BOYER - February 11, 2020

Bucky how miss h

Horselover333 - November 26, 2019

😲!!! The hunter braided Diana looks almost exactly like my real horse before a show! I wish I could have gone!

Nonameplease - September 19, 2019

Is the glossy version of quill a special? the one with silver mane and tail?

Madison - September 19, 2019

I got the splash Diana and the matte and glossy quill and the amber champagne quill got the liver chestnut Natasha and rocket dapple buckskin pinto and grey pepper and the blue and green banner! I also got the red banner and the normal rocket I bought 5 special run tickets off of eBay that’s why and had 3 already

Grace - September 17, 2019

Hey l thought some sarges were unicorns?

Kellie E DeFosset - September 17, 2019

Does this mean that there were also only 30 of the Sarge Unicorns?

BreyerPoet - July 29, 2019

I love all the Diana models!!!! I wish I’ve could have gone this year! But I will definitely be on the look out for a Diana!!!!!

Holly Brown - July 29, 2019

Thanks for finally releasing the info! This was my first Breyerfest. Me & my two young daughters are already planning next year’s trip lol! When I got my tickets in the mail & read about the special run tickets I still didn’t fully understand what they meant. So when I got to Breyerfest I asked any & everyone what to do. Workers, volunteers, & Breyer fans were all so helpful & kind! It really blew my mind how incredible everyone was. That made me fall in love with Breyerfest more than anything! Can’t wait for next year!

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